Q: I forgot my username. What now?
A: Your username is the email address. If you have multiple email addresses, determine which email address has been receiving your course emails and use that email address to log in.
If you still can’t figure out your username, click on “Contact Us’ and send customer service an email.
Q: I forgot my password. What now?
A: No problem. Just go to EPC Institute and click ‘Log In’. Once you are on the Login page and click on ‘Lost Password’.
Once you click on ‘Lost Password’ it will lead you to a page that asks for you Username. Enter your Username (the email you use to log into the site) and click the ‘Get New Password’ button.
Next, go to your email. There you will find an email inviting you to reset your password. Click the link in that email and change your password.
Q: How can I contact the Support?